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    biologics 結果共7筆

  • AltruBio CEO pushes for Taiwan’s role in drug development

    Discover how AltruBio’s CEO, Judy Chou, champions the "Created In Taiwan" initiative for new drug development at the Bio Taiwan Committee meeting, aiming to make Taiwan a global hub for biotech innovation.
    2024/08/27 10:30
  • DPP’s Hsiao promises review amidst KMT’s corruption claims

    Vice Presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vows to review and reflect on corruption allegations within the DPP government. This comes after her opponent, Kuomintang’s (KMT) Jaw Shaw-kong, accused the DPP of corruption during a policy presentation. Jaw raised concerns about the DPP obstructing Terry Gou’s acquisition of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines and questioned the increase in the market value of Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp. He advocated for the reinstatement of the Special Investigation Division to tackle corruption. Hsiao acknowledges mistakes within the party and emphasizes the need for self-review. She highlights the DPP’s commitment to reform and progressive policies, citing examples of marriage equality and energy transformation. Hsiao compares the government to a team in an international competition, emphasizing the importance of guidance and support for a unified nation.
    2023/12/23 09:55
  • Experts: MVC flu vaccine is comparable to other brands

    The Taiwan FactCheck Center has clarified that MVC’s quadrivalent influenza vaccine is produced by the reputable South Korean pharmaceutical firm GC Biopharma, which has WHO qualification and is marketed in multiple countries. Additionally, the FactCheck Center noted that MVC’s method of vaccine production is not unprecedented, as other domestic manufacturers have also imported foreign vaccine stock solutions for local assembly.
    2023/10/02 14:31
  • 三星代工莫德納獲EUA 首批2百多萬劑有望留南韓使用

    南韓三星生物製劑(Samsung Biologics)日前與美國藥廠莫德納簽約,獲得新冠疫苗的代理生產授權,於今年8月完成試產後,投入第3季正式生產。南韓官方今(26)日對外透露,由三星生產的首批243萬5000劑莫德納即將於本週出貨,有望將疫苗留在國內使用。
    2021/10/26 16:39
  • 日本KM生物研發新冠肺炎疫苗 快則明春申請許可

    日本研發COVID-19疫苗的製藥公司「KM生物」(KM Biologics)今天表示,研發疫苗計畫提前,最快明年春天提出藥事承認申請,明年底可以開始提供疫苗。
    2021/10/26 09:47
  • 南韓三星生物正式投入莫德納產線 向原廠爭取留「境內施打」

    南韓三星生物製劑(Samsung Biologics)傳出已於今年8月完成莫德納疫苗試生產,並按照原先規劃,自第3季開始正式在南韓國內生產莫德納疫苗,預計將把產出的劑量提供給除了美國以外的國際市場。
    2021/10/14 18:27
  • 匈牙利批准第2款陸製疫苗 授權康希諾緊急使用

    中國康希諾生物(CanSino Biologics)今天表示,他們所研製的COVID-19疫苗在匈牙利已獲准緊急使用,是匈牙利國內核准的第2款中國製疫苗。
    2021/03/22 15:42
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